Vendor and Supplier

Use this detailed document to help you maintain a business file for your suppliers download a seller and supplier file from TemplateGuru . Visit TemplateGuru for a worksheet that will assist you to create a seller and supplier template. You will find many other sales and marketing document templates for Read more…

Meeting Confirmation

FOR THE RECORD WELL BE MEETING AT [LOCATION]. Formalising your business external communication especially for meetings with clients is essential. Meetings goes with stakeholders booking their calendar’s in advance therefore critical to request before hand at all times and it works towards the reputation of your business. TemplateGuru has samples Read more…

Merchandising and Marketing Agreement

WANT A MERCHANDISING AND MARKETING AGREEMENT? a Merchandising Agreement you lay out both parties’ roles and responsibilities including who maintains the rights to the item that you are licensing. You can define the geographical areas where the product will be sold length of the term and financial details such as Read more…

Asset Transfer and Sale Agreement Brand

This particular legal document or agreement of assignment can be used to assist you in articulating the terms for an asset transfer and sale agreement . To see other essential legal document templates for you and your clients go to

Mortgage Deed

This particular legal document or agreement of assignment is used to assist in articulating the terms of a mortgage deed. To access more legal documents and to assist with other legal issues visit here